Alex Tsomaia

Business Coaching


training format
We’ll hold a free 30-minute discovery call to understand your challenges and goals
We’ll design a personalized coaching plan based on your highest priorities
The trainings will be conducted weekly on one-on-one online videoconference sessions
Each session will have 60-minute duration that will finish with an implementation plan
Once the challenge is resolved, we will continue advancing to the next step of our training
If you faced challenges during implementation, we will dive into them and solve them
Each consequent session will start by reviewing the implementation of the action plan
01. We’ll hold a free 30 minute conversation discovery call to understand your challenges and goals. We will explore your challenges as a business owner and find out what can enhance your efforts and save you money and time. I will help you to excel.
02. We’ll design a personalized coaching plan based on your highest priorities. With a tailored coaching plan for business owners, you will be able to focus and make effective strategies.
03. The training will be conducted weekly on one-on-one online videoconference sessions. You will be guided through tailored decisions for your business to maximize your inversion.
04. Each session will have 60 minute duration that will finish with an implementation plan. Focusing on strategies for your own business, ensuring best practices with personalized approaches that will work when implemented.
05. Each consequent session will start reviewing the implementation of the action plan. In every session, we will carefully review and assess the progress of the plan so we can improve and achieve our goals.
06. If you faced challenges during implementation, we will dive into them and solve them. It is common to find difficulties, the sessions are designed to provide support so that we can effectively address and resolve the issues.
07. Once the challenge is resolved, we will continue advancing to the next step of our training. Our goal is to move to the next phrase of training so we can ensure a continuous journey of growth and development for our company and for us.
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Step by step Implementation of delegation workflows to stop doing the work for which you should hire new employees or for which you’ve actually hired the ones you have.

Methods to increase your employee's responsibility and to turn this and other must have qualities into inseparable parts of your company culture.

Mastering different communication levels that you can use to delegate tasks according to your employees' level of awareness and understanding of the job.

Avoiding becoming an operational bottleneck by balancing the power you give your employees to make their own decisions while avoiding fires you’d have to deal with.

Understanding & overcoming your employees' resistance to the delegation process and preventing them from giving you back the work you delegated them.

Setup & follow up. How and why to prepare for an effective delegation and to stop employees from getting back to you with questions and problems they could solve on their own.


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To control or not to control? How much? When? What for? On what it depends? Why it even deserves its own chapter? Expectations. Approaches. Challenges.

Control vs Trust. Goals, differences, application points, using a rational decision-making system according to the tasks parameters and employee characteristics.

Classic control mistakes, no-no’s and musts. How to control without creating resistance in our employees or diminishing the authority of our mid-management.

Styles of control, how to control less, preventive control. Techniques for improving the execution quality of assigned tasks after their delegation.

Balancing control - the line between being control freak and reckless. On which phases to control and on which not. How spend less time on control without detriment to the job.


Understand to the core how and why you think, make decisions, act and react in the way you do. Most importantly, see and understand the direct effect all this has on your business and the relationship with the people working in it.

Identify where do your worries, challenges, dilemmas, stress, hurry and exhaustion come from. Spoiler, it’s usually from places people don’t even imagine, which is usually a big discovery on the mindset oriented sessions.

Likewise, know why you may have difficulty thinking, making decisions and taking actions in ways you’d like to, but you don’t, or not enough. Working on your mindset will have a profound impact on your business and lifestyle, as these are a projection of your thinking system and world view.

The reason so many “solutions” fail is because they don’t deal with problems at all, they don’t deal with the right problems, or they don’t deal with the real ones, but just with its superficial symptoms. Here we won’t be solving problems with band-aids: we will be working on them from the roots.


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Why having rational systems, clear rules, logical workflows, settled agreements, defined roles and so on is not enough to run an organization effectively? For the same reason fouls are still made in every sport: the game is played by emotional beings. Humans.

As humans, our ultimate goal is to maximize our happiness, not our income. An income is just a means to help us get more positive emotions and feelings. While logic is absolute and universal, what makes humans happy varies from person to person and from time to time.

If we employed robots instead of people, knowing organizational mechanics would be enough, but it’s not the case. There are no instruction manuals to work with humans. We need to master the management of authority, behavior and relationships in a mix of cultures, personalities, habits, characters and interests.

I will help you improve your Personal Managerial Effectiveness by using principles as old as humanity itself. Of course, there are systems to manage emotional beings too. Just look at the bible and the influence God and Jesus have on human behavior more than 2000 years later. That's a Godlike management system for you.


Dealing with conflicts of interest is the bread and butter of any Manager. More people, more conflicts. You want a person to produce at the highest level, the person wants to stay in his comfort zone. Voilà, conflict of interest. Your friend is also your business partner? Two-for-one
potential conflict.

Conflicts of interest can get emotional and messy, which makes them one of the most uncomfortable and draining parts of the business and one of the top reasons the company may not be growing further. “More people, more problems. Need no problems, no want more people”.

Of course, we are not in the business for easy, but for a better life. The bigger problems and challenges we can solve, the more we’ll get paid. So, the solution is not avoiding problems, but getting better at preventing & solving them, and then going after bigger problems.

Conflict Management is a skill that can be developed, and as with any skill, things get easier with repetition until you decide it’s the moment to level up your game & challenges. Most conflicts are common in any business environment, and so there is a systematic approach to solving them.


A strategic planning & prioritizing system is an absolutely crucial step towards giving shape to the way we envision our life. Yes, life. We only have 24 hours in a day that we can dedicate to our business, family, growth and hobbies, and not enough lifetimes to do all the things that we’d like to.

As managers, we organize and put together not only our work, but also the work of the people working for us. Most of the world's workers do not plan on their workplace nor decide their schedules and tasks, because those are being designed for them by the people with whom they agreed to work.

The goal of planning is not to end up shoving more and more things and to does in the limited time we have. Its goal is to liberate our time, so we can dedicate it to the things that really matter and will have the biggest positive impact on us, our business and our family.

Stop being a slave to your planning system and make it serve you instead. Stop doing other peoples “to does”, and start working on yours. Take control of your life and be ready for everything, like a true professional. Planning only for the good scenarios is for amateurs.
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