For agency owners who want to scale faster
I'll help you double your agency revenue, get you out of daily operations and build a true freedom generating business.
Our work together is your path to:
A consistent flow of new clients for your agency
Attracting and leading A-Player employees that will let you focus on what really matters
Solid fulfillment processes that will satisfy your clients and free you from daily operations
Alex Tsomaia
Insights from 150+ agency owners worldwide on every challenge you'll face.
helped business owners & top managers
solved business growth bottlenecks
+10 years
mastering organizational & scaling dynamics
You started your agency to make more money,
work on your own terms and gain freedom,
but you somehow ended up trapped in daily operations and struggling to scale because too much depends on you.
Don’t worry, I have your back.
I'll help you double your agency revenue while getting you out of operations and manage the business with half the effort and half the stress.
If you are having a hard time growing your agency it’s probably because
you can only serve a limited number of clients before running out of
Tunnel vision and lack of focus leads to accepting more clients than you can handle, which leads to overworking and sacrificing health, family, friends and even your current clients in exchange for a short-term cash boost.
After having consulted hundreds of agency owners,
It was clear what separates those who are really successful from those who are just freelancing while getting some external help:
hours in a day.
Proven systems with standardized processes and predictable outcomes.
#1 Client acquisition systems, to make sure your problem is not the speed at which you get clients, but the speed at which you recruit and train new team members.
#2 Recruiting and onboarding systems to hire & train A-Level employees that will let you focus on growing the business instead of making you do the work for which you hired them.
#3 Fulfillment systems so that your team does what needs to be done to keep your customers so happy that they will stay with you longer and refer you more customers.
With all these systems, you will have real assets to which you will be able to assign any new recruits, thus minimizing the dependence on any team member in particular.
Interested in how these systems in your particular case could look like?
Let's talk!
I provide
free strategy calls to build a clear roadmap to scale your agency
and turn you into the next success story.
Just click the button below and save your call.
See you soon,
Alex Tsomaia
roadmap to scale your agency
free strategy calls to build a clear
and make
you the next GUARANTEED success story.
The path to your success
Perfect Positioning & Offer
Identifying your agency's unique strengths and crafting high profit offers that resonate with potential clients' needs.
Leadgeneration system
Drawing the insights from over 150 agency owners, we tailor a plan to fill your calendar with qualified leads.
Sales system
Maximizing the conversion of attracted leads into paying customers with proven sales pitch structure.
Lean-back fulfillment process
Step back from day-to-day tasks and let your agency function smoothly with minimal direct input from you.
Doubling your revenue
Turning your now growing agency into a true freedom and wealth generating business.
Hiring and onboarding system
A-Level Recruitment: Systems to attract top talent and quickly integrate them into your agency's workflow.
The right way to scale your agency
Full engagement: I'll help you and your business with the same dedication as if it were my own.
100% Clarity: We will identify and resolve any bottleneck you may have, driving your business forward.
Executive Coaching & Accountability: I will keep you on track both in and out of the business arena.
Exclusive Support: I will support you in 1:1 sessions and be available for you whenever you need.
Specialized on Agencies: After helping +150 agencies, I know'll what you need at any given time.
What my clients say
Marcel Sattle
8-figure agency owner of "Purpleblack" - Native Advertising Agency
"In the very beginning, I was skeptical, but I saw very quickly that it's super valuable."
When you are an 8-figure business owner leading a world-class agency, it’s because you are doing things right. If there were obvious problems, they are already solved. Things work, so it’s all about finding blind spots, optimization points and setting even higher goals and standards.
Optimization of task management systems, planning workflows, weekly life and business schedules and habits, work overload control, pressure and priorities management. Implementation of communication levels for more effective delegation, control and team management.
A sensational 26% revenue growth from 2022 to 2023 which is no joke when you are an already 8 figure agency. More speed, more focus and simplified planning and organization that facilitates more mental space and energy to keep oneself hungry for bigger challenges.
Erik Miller
Co-Founder & Managing Director of "Grow Without Limit" - Performance Marketing Agency
"Alex is the best guide that i have ever met..."
Overwhelming customer flow due to excellent delivery and word of mouth. Fulfillment productivity problems due to lack of specialization. Difficulty to say no and keep under control the ever-increasing workload. Bottlenecked scalability by being stuck in operations.
Working on Business Owner mindset, removing the founders from fulfillment and implementing a company culture, so the team solves their problems, turns down fires on their own, are interested in the agency growth, stay motivated, committed, responsible and accountable.
New clients must stand in a queue to work with them. They have grown x4 times their already 6-figure revenue, x7 times team size, and might already become 7 figure players by the time you are reading this. They are unstoppable and a living embodiment of their agency name: “Grow Without Limits”.
Philipp Kaufhold
Co-Founder of "Vision Accelerator" - Scaling Agency
"Alex helped us to scale to almost 6 figures a month..."
Lack of clarity on how to increase his business model scalability. Strong dependence of the agency on his involvement in service delivery slows down growth.
Designing a scalable business model, goal setting & planning, getting clearer priorities and responsibilities, working on mindset, improving personal & business organization, boosting productivity. Optimizing positioning and market fit.
A shocking x5 revenue boost during last year. Scalable business model with a clear roadmap. Happy customers bringing more customers into the business. On their way to 7-figures.
Nikita Becker
Founder & CEO of "" - Social Recruiting Agency
"You will be just mindblown..."
Trapped in delivery, everything looking important. Focus all over the place. Ultra-high unrealistic standards and overthinking resulted in too much time on non-priority tasks and loss of momentum, having to force oneself to do things, which sucked away joy from work and life.
Generated clarity by working on mindset to understand and solve the problems from the root. Added structure and control to life and business by implementing task management systems and optimized weekly schedule. Regained focus and momentum by on point goals and planning.
Clarity about the next steps and boosted capacity to work with uncertainty. Giving himself enough time to enjoy work and time with family. Gaining momentum is naturally fueled by the passion for work instead of having to push and force oneself to move forward.
Mateo Sudar
Founder & CEO of "SU SQUAD" - Web-Development & Marketing Agency
"I can definitely recommend him to every businessman and businesswoman out there."
Worried about the future and keeping a steady income. Desire for control leads to holding too much responsibility and not giving enough to team members. Alone to put out fires and deal with clients. Too involved in operations, with a team not prepared to make decisions.
Worked on mindset to find and deal with the root of resistance to delegate. Implemented recurrent and non-recurrent task management system. Implemented planning, delegation and control workflows, team communication standards and boosted other management skills.
A great x2 the revenue of his agency and got the second business to 7 figures. More relaxed, with a more autonomous team that takes care of more problems. Prepared for whatever future holds with long term planning, contingency plans and becoming more comfortable with uncomfortable.
Patrick Wind
Founder & CEO of "AdsAccelerator", 2019 Forbes 30 under 30
"If you're considering taking your business to the next level, you should definitely work with Alex Tsomaia."
When I met Patrick he was already Forbes 30under30 and his legendary AdsAccelerator Facebook Ads program was beginning to take off, but he was a one-man army with everything on his shoulders, with focus torn apart by trying to be on all fronts.
Working shoulder to shoulder, hundreds of strategy meetings and countless conflict solving & prevention to make sure everything run smoothly and to keep things under control. Helping to create and run an Academy for media buyers and a Mastermind for ambitious marketers.
Reaching high 6-figures for ad budget with the AdsAccelerator program, achieving the 7-figure revenue and running a successful Marketing Mastermind helped Patrick become an established brand in the European Marketing sphere with multiple recognition awards.
Pedro Gomez
Founder & CEO of "The Super Hero Academy" - Sales closing consultant & coach
"I really don't know where Alex has gotten all this information from, because I think it's pure gold."
Rollercoaster lifestyle due to tendency to over saturation followed by low performance periods, with difficulties to achieve work & life balance and steady growth. Busy putting down fires created by a poor performing team, lack of prioritization, focus medium-long term goals.
Work on CEO mindset and stop self employing oneself to do the work employees are supposed to be doing. Boosting management skills: planning, delegating, controlling, authority and leadership. Implementing and optimizing a balanced weekly schedule.
6-figure revenue with 70% growth in profits and no signs of slowing down. Strong mindset shift from producer to business owner. Living his ideal weekly schedule with plenty of recovery time, which builds energy and desire to give it all at “work out” time.
Magí Pons
Co-founder & Managing Director of "X-15 Media" - Marketing Agency for Memberships
"I would definitely recommend him to any executive, person at the corporate level, and any entrepreneur."
Overwhelmed and stressed for having to repeat same things over and over to the team. Frustrated by things going too slow and overburdened with meetings. A lot of work accumulating, with many things left half done. Difficulty to trust team after many mistakes.
Optimized talent recruitment, training and retention systems. Implemented task management systems. Boosted planning, delegation, control, leadership and authority management skills. Implementing responsibility & accountability company culture.
A fantastic x2 growth per year and getting to 7 figures. More autonomous teams and simplified management allow having more time for travelling, growing personal brand and keep pushing the revenue further.
Aaron Kübler
Founder & CEO of "AKUB Consulting" - E-Commerce Marketing Agency
"I highly recommend the calls with Alex and appreciate it!"
Too permissive with team performances that are below acceptable standards. Delegation problems and too many meetings. Makes all the stuff by himself because nobody can do it as good. Difficulties to trust employees, thus time controlling more than necessary.
Dived deep into the root of the thinking systems from where these problems were originating, detected the cause, and developed new thinking and awareness levels to overcome the old systems.
More trust in the team and improved team accountability for target results and daily performance, reduced meetings and improved delegation efficiency and effectiveness.
Bernhard Kastenberger
Founder & CEO of "HKE" - Performance Marketing Agency
"I would recommend Alex any time for company owners and self-employed people..."
Put too much weight on his shoulders by controlling as much as he could to make things as perfect as the hours in the day allowed him to, which made a dent in personal productivity and slowed the speed at which he could grow the company.
Worked on mindset and awareness to understand the reason why things were done the way they were done and found better ways of getting to the desired result. Implemented responsibility & accountability company culture. Improved productivity and prioritization.
Reduced the pressure of being a perfectionist, boosted productivity and hourly rate with more time to do the right things. Switched the balance from operations to more CEO work. More control over his mind and his business.
Chris Dengler
Co-Founder of "Convertlab" - E-Com Agency for CRO and A/B-Testing
He can help you to improve and to get where you want to get.”
Stuck very deep in delivery and at full capacity. “Exhausted” and “stressed” were his second and third name. Extremely demanding with himself and always pushing beyond his limits. Unsatisfied with less than perfect.
Deep mindset work and development of new thinking, organizational and productivity systems where a more controlled workload leads to greater results.
From being employed at a software company to a 6 figure agency owner in just 1 year, with enough time to recover properly and more mental and physical energy to keep growing.
Nicola Turla
Founder & CEO of "NTDA" - Appointment Setters Agency
The results will come faster thank you think.”
Managing an inefficient team more worried about getting paid than generating results. Lack of focus. Overworking oneself to grow faster. Even 5-minute rests were seen as an unforgivable waste of time and felt like slacking off. Non-sustainable work & life habits.
Mindset work. Responsibility culture implementation. Management skills development. Implementing recruiting, onboarding, training systems. Increasing agency scalability. Implementing a balanced weekly schedule. Team output systematization.
Achieved a staggering x7.5 increment in profits and joined the 6-figure club. More mental and physical freedom to work or go on vacations. Keeping a sustainable workload and transmitted most “legwork” to the team that now does what they are supposed to do.
Bruno, Andrea & Helena
Founders of "Tresbombillas" - Performance Marketing Agency
“His guidance enables you to establish and attain more ambitious goals.
A challenging “hydra” like hierarchy with the 3 founders being at the same time 3 CEOs, having 3 employee roles within their own structure… while also being family. Stuck deep in delivery with no time left to actually do the CEO work and grow the agency.
Scaling roadmap planning, mindset work with all 3 founders, role & responsibilities definition, conflict solving and implementing prevention systems. Implementing task management systems and designing weekly workflows. Boosting management skills.
Already members of the 6-figure club, they’ve multiplied their revenue x2 and are on their way to x2 revenue next year. Clearer roles and responsibilities lead to less internal conflicts and pave the way to a more smooth growth and more time to implement systems.
Marco Sapina
Founder & CEO of "Immoral.Marketing" - Brandformance Agency
“Don’t think about it, just try it.
Lack of talent, internal conflicts, irresponsibility and lack of accountability from some team members, growth slowed by perfectionism, rollercoaster workload with productivity bursts that leave the tank completely drained, while problems don’t wait for recovery.
Mindset work, systematic conflict solving, polishing fulfillment system for scalability, optimizing onboarding and training systems, boosting delegation and control skills, implementing responsibility culture, help to develop an incentivizing system.
Multiplied x2 the revenue of the last year, and will join the 7-figure club soon by x2 the revenue of this year too. Focused 100% on CEO work. Fun fact: they got all their business by word of mouth and only now will start running customer acquisition systems.
Andres Solis
Founder & CEO of "Kavak Consulting" - Digital Marketing Agency
“Alex is a safe bet.
Rigid business partners were bottlenecking growth by being deep into operations instead of acting on their top management roles. Untapped sales potential due to a lack of recruiting funnel. Huge untapped personal brand potential.
Implemented a recruiting funnel, onboarding and training systems. Implemented a priority focused planning system. Designed a communication strategy to convince partners to do the work they were supposed to without creating frictions and tension between them.
A brilliant x3 revenue increase since 2022, with the agency business at 6-figures and another business at 7 figures. Achieving clarity and harmony in internal processes created space to even start a 3rd agency dedicated to appointment setting that’s already at 6-figures.
Omid Armani
Co-Founder & Managing Director of "Randompace" - 7 figure Marketing Agency
“The investment has returned itself more than ten times.
Complicated structure with many founders with their own teams and their own cultures and leadership styles, no clear roadmap to scale their agency, too much chaos within the ranks, authority issues with some members contaminating behind their backs.
Creating a scaling roadmap for the agency. Implementing organizational and cultural systems, so everybody does what they are supposed to do. Improving communication, planning, delegation, control, authority and leadership skills.
On his way to scale his agency to 3 million revenue per year. Untapped real agency potential and value. Transitioning to CEO role, with more time to work on building systems instead of employing oneself and working within the business as part of the system.
Theresa Sturm
Founder & CEO of "Via Digital" - Lead Generation Agency
“The coaching with Alex is incredible.
Business consuming time she wants to be spending with her 2 little kids. Stuck in delivery with too many customers and no time nor plan to quit operations. Doing tons of administrative work. No money, no time, no know how to hire help and delegate away work.
Working on CEO mindset. Improving communication, planning, delegation, control, authority and leadership skills. Implementing a recruiting and onboarding funnels. Implementing personal and business organization and productivity systems.
A beautiful 80%+ revenue growth from August 2022 to August 2023. Mindset shift from producer to business owner. Hires people when needed, delegates responsibilities more effectively, decreased time to deliver and increasing delivery quality at the same time.
Davorin Baduzija
Founder & CEO of “This is recruiting” - Digital recruiting training & consulting business
“Alex was a big part in our 100% growth last year.”
No clear scaling roadmap. Worried about his leadership style and becoming a “villain” for his team. Vague and non-manageable cultural values. Efficiency and scalability problems due to lack of process standardization. Lack of clear priorities and focus.
Developed a scaling roadmap. Perfected communication, planning, delegation, control, authority and leadership skills. Implemented a profiling system for recruitment and onboarding process. Implemented business systematization workflows.
An already 6-figure club member, he had an amazing x3 revenue growth last year and will x2 this year, getting close to the prized 7-figure club. On his way to have all business operations with SOPs
Meet the founder
Alex Tsomaia
"In my 20s, life was simple - playing video games and meeting girls. However, at 27, everything changed. I met my wife, who inspired me to reconsider my path and direction, which led me to my first business: Introducing the Cooper & Hunter air conditioning brand into Spain, despite having no prior industry experience. The problem: I soon discovered that there were 70+ already established brands and fierce competition.
Despite being the youngest and least experienced CEO in the market by far, I prevailed. In just the first year, we established 200+ technical support points nationwide, built a team of more than 20 sales agents, and generated $1 million in revenue. But progress came with a cost - weight gain, hair loss, and severe stress from overwhelming challenges.
After 4 years it was time for a new challenge: I began collaborating with Forbes 30under30 Patrick Wind, helping him run his AdsAccelerator Program, which later transitioned into a Marketing Mastermind. That's where my true calling, mindset & management consulting, really took off.
Drawing from my unique experiences and challenges, I started collaborating with agency owners. I recognized their specific struggles and crafted a scalable roadmap tailored to their needs, ensuring they maximized profitability and established efficient management systems. A crucial part of this was nurturing a thriving organizational culture.
Being a business owner is a lonely path. I vividly recall my struggles and find immense satisfaction in guiding others towards freedom, clarity, and control. Today, I am passionately dedicated to offering unparalleled 1-on-1 consulting for agency owners, ensuring they attain both financial success and personal freedom."
The challenges I faced drove me to develop better mindset and management skills. I sought mentors and coaches who helped me understand and deal with my problems. This journey of personal growth ignited a passion for supporting others facing similar challenges.
I will help you turn your vision of a high-profit, lean-back agency into reality.
Are you ready?
Click the button below and apply for the free strategy call.
We'll determine if we're a good fit and provide a roadmap to scale your agency.
Frequently asked questions
How does the free strategy call work?
In the free strategy call we will analyze your current situation and challenges. This session alone will give you your step-by-step growth-roadmap to scale your agency and build your systems to get you out of the operations.
Why a strategy call with no sales pitch?
If you pass the application, I want to give you the opportunity to experience the work and to get to know me first.
Why should I choose you to help me?
With more than 150+ agencies I helped to scale I have seen it all and am specialized in this niche. If you are an agency and struggling to build the right systems to grow and get yourself out of operations, I can definitely help you.
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